
-  中文XML论坛 - 专业的XML技术讨论区  (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/index.asp)
--  『 Web挖掘技术 』   (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/list.asp?boardid=69)
----  招聘网站开发人员(工作地点:上海漕河径)  (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardid=69&rootid=&id=41240)

--  作者:北极的鱼
--  发布时间:12/15/2006 12:12:00 PM

--  招聘网站开发人员(工作地点:上海漕河径)
Specific Job Skills:(6K-8K)

Required technologies include: .NET framework, ASP. NET, ADO.NET, C#, XML, HTML, CSS, and SQL Server.

XML Data and Web applications development experience using: VS.NET, XSLT, Object Oriented Design/OOP, and recent experience with Visual Studio .NET using IE.

Solid web application and debugging skill

Good skills with algorithms and data structures

Self driven and work independently

Good communication skill

Sharepoint server experience is a plus


3 years+ web application experience.

BS in Computer Science, Computer Information Systems or related technical discipline.


W 3 C h i n a ( since 2003 ) 旗 下 站 点