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--  作者:卷积内核
--  发布时间:1/6/2007 10:54:00 AM

--  English Forum
I.   Business English
Thank you for contacting us.
Thank you for your prompt reply.
當一個客戶或是同事很快就回復了你的郵件,一定記得要感謝他們。如果回復並不及時,只要將 "prompt" 除去即可,你還可以說,"Thank you for getting back to me."
Thank you for providing the requested information.
Thank you for your assistance.
如果有人給了你特別的幫助,那一定要感謝他們!如果你想對他們表示特別的感激,就用這個句子,"I truly appreciate your help in resolving the problem."
Thank you for raising your concerns.
就算某個客戶或是經理寫郵件給你,對你的工作提出了一定的質疑,你還是要感謝他們。這樣你能表現出你對他們的認真態度表示尊重及感激。同時,你也可以使用,"Thank you for your feedback."
Thank you for your kind cooperation.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Thank you for your understanding.
Thank you for your consideration.
Thank you again for everything you've done.
------- collected and edited by Andrew from http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/

II.  Method of English Learning
* 學語言光聽不說,光讀不寫,是學不好的。現在,有不少學生只知戴著耳機聽英語,埋頭讀英語書,卻不開口朗讀,背誦名篇,名段,不開口練著說英語,也不動手做筆頭練習,寫英語文章。只有語言的“輸入”(通過聽,讀吸收語言),卻無語言的“輸出”(通過口頭和筆頭表達思想,應用學到的語言),是學不好語言的。
* 學語言同學文化分不開。通過語言學英語國家的文化,通過文化學語言要聽讀題材廣泛的書籍和文章(歷史,文學,傳記,科技,經濟,政治,軍事等),在提高語言水平的同時增長各種知識,並學到另一種文化的精華。
* 要學好英語,就要對語言本身及語言所傳達的各種文化資訊感興趣。當你讀到或聽到別人用簡潔的英語表達深奧的思想時,興奮不已,立即記住,這就表明你已對語言產生了興趣。沒有這種興趣,難以在語言學習中登堂入室。
* 學習英語從一開始就要重視語音,語調。發音,語調,重音,停頓,不求完美,但要基本正確。否則,將影響聽力及口語,從而是語言失去交流的功能。
* 簡易讀物對打好基礎極有用,要多讀。 一是數量要多,至少讀四十本。二是要重復讀,選出十至十五本,讀三遍,讀到許多問題印在腦子中。設想一下,別人能用一千五百到兩千辭彙寫出幾十本書來,如果我們能把這些表達方式掌握住,能夠表達多少內容!
* 在基礎階段後期,或高年級,要努力背誦名篇,比如說,背50-100篇。無論從語言還是內容來說,這都是精華。背熟了,對瞭解西方文化,對研究文字的運用都有好處。
        (to be continued)
                                                                                                                                                                                ---------- collected and edited by Andrew from http://www.cycnet.com/
III. IT News

Get Into the Game With the New 22-inch iZ3D Widescreen 3D Monitor
Fri,  Jan 05, 2007
SAN DIEGO, Jan. 2 -- Neurok Optics, LLC, designer, developer, and marketer of advanced 3D visualization systems, will preview a new iZ3D brand 22" widescreen 3D LCD monitor at CES (美國消費電子展會) 2007. Designed to replace a standard two-dimensional monitor, it offers commercial-grade image quality and display brightness, while supporting long-term viewing without causing fatigue or eyestrain. The 22" monitor will be available for pre-order Q1 2007.
CES attendees can see the new 22" monitor on display and speak with iZ3D personnel at the NEXGEN MediaTech, Inc Booth 70605 at the Sands. The monitor will also be showcased in the Westinghouse booth 21707 in South Hall.
"The 22-inch widescreen version of the iZ3D monitor gives players the experience of physically being in the game," stated Thomas Striegler, CEO of Neurok Optics, LLC. "Immersive (身臨其境的) 3D gaming is no longer science fiction. Our 3D monitors demonstrate the unbelievable 3D realism that we provide to the casual, amateur and professional gamer. If you are interested in the future of gaming, take the time to see the iZ3D monitor in action at CES."
To maximize the gaming experience, Neurok Optics will also be introducing a variety of new fashionable polarized glasses (偏振玻璃) for 3D monitor viewing at CES. The advanced 22" widescreen iZ3D video monitor displays impressive into and out-of-screen 3D images with passive polarized glasses in a variety of new styles. Its advanced technology is compatible with popular applications, and users can easily switch between 3D and 2D viewing.
iZ3D 3D monitors incorporate advances in technology that create significant proprietary (所有權), competitive, and technical advantages over other display systems. Neurok Optics' engineers developed this unique technology to create an adjustable 3D environment without causing eyestrain, spatial disorientation (方位迷失) or headaches. In 3D mode, viewers can see clear, bright and sharp 3D images and videos wearing passive, lightweight glasses, thus eliminating shutter glasses (快門眼鏡), goggles (護目鏡), or helmets.
All popular brands of current PC's equipped with a dual output video card will power the monitor. Smart capabilities allow it to be used for regular 2D office tasks as well as 3D viewing. Specifications include: 1680 x 1050 resolution; up to 170-degree viewing angle; 5 ms response time; 600:1 contrast ratio; and 16.7-million colors.

--  作者:hjx_221
--  发布时间:1/6/2007 10:03:00 PM

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