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--  作者:hjx_221
--  发布时间:1/4/2007 12:41:00 PM

--  Rejecting Flattery
Rejecting Flattery

1. You're just trying to relate. 你只是想套近乎。(relate = 拉关系)

2. Stop trying to buddy up to me. 别想亲近我。(buddy up = trying to get friendly with)

3. I don't want to hear any sweet-talk. 我不要听任何甜言蜜语。(sweet-talk = flattery)

4. I hate it when someone tries to butter me up! 我最讨厌人家奉承我。(butter me up =因有求于我而谄媚 flatter me to grt something; 说好话以获得好处say nice things to gain an advantage)

5. I dislike flattery. 我讨厌谄媚。

6. you don't have to wine and dine your higher-ups. 你犯不着用酒肉来奉承上司。(wine and dine = butter up 吹捧;以获得升迁to obtain promotion; higher-ups = superiors; )

7. Don't patronize me. Nobody eats that shit. 别想拍我马屁,没人会吃你那一套。

8. He's too much of a back-slapper. 他太会胁肩谄笑。(back-slapper = 自身后拍人肩膀者。过度友善someone who is overly friendly)

9. He's a brown-noser. 他是马屁精。(brown-noser 棕色鼻子的人,kissing boss' behind, 长期接触粪便而变色。)

10. He's an apple-polisher.

11. She doesn't really like you. She's just a social climber. 。。。。。。。她只是长袖善舞的女人。(social climber = 攀缘富贵者person who associates with successful people in the hope of improving his/her own status.)

12. he's always licking the president's boots. 他总是在拍总经理的马屁。

13. you must've rubbed him the wrong way. 你准是拍错了马屁。(rubbed him the wrong way = displeased him; made a bad impression on him 使他留下坏印象。)

14. I meant it as a compliment, but he took it as an insult.我存心要恭维他,但他却当成悔辱(took it as an insult = took offense)

             ***Center Of Attention***

1. it's your turn to be on stage. 轮到你上台亮相了。

2. you're going to be in the spotlight. 你即将为众所瞩目。

3. he thrives on female attention. 他在女人垂青下,过得神气活现。(thrives on = like plants under ideal sunshine and water condition do very well. Attention = emphasizes on admiration 偏重爱慕)

4. she's eating up all this attention. 别人对他的注目,使她好不得意。(乐在其中she's enjoying it.)

5. Be individual. 要显出自己的特性。(要与众不同Set yourself apart.)

6. you're on center stage. 你正在众目睽睽之下。

7. All heads turned when she walked into the room.

8. Everybody is watching! (watching = staring. Don't make a scene. 不要出洋相。)

9. Everyone's eye is on you. 每个人都在瞧着你。(不要把事情弄糟。Don't screw up. 不要犯任何错. Don't do anything wrong.)

10. I get stage fright. 我容易怯场。(我害怕许多眼睛瞪着我。I dread having all eyes focus on me. )

11. I hate being in the center of attention.

12. I'm afraid of being under the microscope. 我不愿把自己披露在别人仔细的观察之下。

13. he keeps a low profile. 他韬光养晦。(he stays out of the limelight to avoid attention. Keeps a low profile = 隐匿自己,不张扬)


1. it lives up to its name. 它名副其实。(lives up to = 声明切合实际it matches its reputation.)

2. he lived up to my expectations. 他没有辜负我的期待。(他达到我所要求的标准he met my standard.)

3. he's loosening his purse strings to gain more popularity. 他在掏腰包买知名度。(loosening his purse strings = 松弛束紧钱袋口的绳子。)

4. he wants his name to stand out. 他一心想出人头地。

5. he wants to get noticed. 他爱出风头。

6. he's won a name for his sense of humor. 他的幽默感出了名。(won a name for = become renowned for变成以。。。而著称; gained a reputation for. 获得。。。之名气。)

7. A: So, what makes her so hot? 到底是什么使她声名卓著? (so hot = so popular)

B: When you're hot, you're hot. 人要出名时,躲都躲不过。

8. John is a social butterfly. 八面玲珑的人物。

9. he's a local celebrity. 他是我们当地的风云人物。(celebrity = star)

10. he;s pretty well liked around here. 他在这里蛮受欢迎。(pretty well liked = fairly popular)

11. I've heard nothing but good reports about him. 我所听到有关他的,都是好事。(good reports = favorable information)

12. your reputation precedes you. 久仰,久仰。(could be a compliment or an insult. Reputation precedes you = 名胜先你而行。)

13. you are very famous. 阁下之大名如雷贯耳。(famous = known by many people; has favorable repute. You have too big a name. 阁下之大名如雷贯耳, notorious = known widely but unfavorably 恶名昭彰。She's notorious for her meanness. 她的卑鄙是出了名的。)

14. Your name rings a bell. 我听过你的名字。

15. He's an accomplished musician. 他是一位颇有成就的音乐家。(he has made achievements as a musician. He's earned a bit of a reputation.已薄有名气。)

16. He's a world-renowned artist. 他是一位举世闻名的艺术家。(声明远播enjoys a big reputation; 闻名prestigious;受敬重respected.)

17. Bill set off a bombshell in the computer industry. 比尔在计算机界里一鸣惊人。(set off a bombshell = 如引爆一枚炸弹似的。令人惊讶于他的成就stunned everyone with his success.)

18. He's become an overnight success. 他一夜发迹。(overnight = instant; immediate; within a short period of time.转眼间他成了家喻户晓的人物He became popular overnight.)

19. He's worth three chapters in a textbook. 他的功勋彪炳,值得在教科书里大写特写。

20. He's the man of the hour. 他是时下名气最响的人。(man of the hour = 最受人注目者the person receiving the most attention)

21. He was completely unkown years ago. 数年前他还默默无闻。(数年前他还是个籍籍无名的小子He was a nobody a few years back.)

22. If you did that, I'm sure you'd go down in history. 如果你办成了那件事,准会名垂青史。(go down in history = 不朽be immortalized)

23. He's a legend in his own time. 他活着的时候,已是个传奇人物。(他获得永久性的好名声。 He's attained permanent, lasting fame while he's still alive.)

24. You'll live after your dust. 你的名声永存。(after your dust = after you die 在你逝世后。)

25. His legacy lives on. 他的风范常存。(legacy = 名望。Although he's dead, his work, influence continues.)

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