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--  作者:卷积内核
--  发布时间:5/8/2005 12:38:00 PM

--  令人称奇的鲸豚

Kekaimalu (L), the only known living hybrid of a false killer whale, shows off her baby, a female wholphin, at Sealife Park in Honolulu, Hawaii, April 21, 2005. The baby is one-fourth false killer whale and three-forths Atlantic bottlenose dolphin. It was previously thought that a hybrid animal such as Kekaimalu would have difficulty conceiving and birthing but after the first 100 days of life, the baby wholphin and mother seem healthy and happy. REUTERS/Lucy Pemoni


hybrid n.混血儿, 混合物

false killer whale n.伪虎鲸

wholphin n.鲸豚(鲸鱼和海豚的杂交)

Honolulu n.火奴鲁鲁(即“檀香山”, 美国夏威夷州的首府和港市)

bottlenose dolphin n. 宽吻海豚

conceive vi.怀孕

--  作者:hjx_221
--  发布时间:5/11/2005 11:36:00 AM

I'm reading it carefully
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