以文本方式查看主题 - 中文XML论坛 - 专业的XML技术讨论区 (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/index.asp) -- 『 计算机英语 』 (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/list.asp?boardid=39) ---- [分享]英语精典===The furthest distance in the world (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardid=39&rootid=&id=11192) |
-- 作者:hjx_221 -- 发布时间:10/21/2004 10:50:00 PM -- [分享]英语精典===The furthest distance in the world 英语精典===The furthest distance in the world 世界上最遥远的距离 |
-- 作者:hjx_221 -- 发布时间:10/21/2004 10:51:00 PM -- 译文: 世界上最遥远的距离 世界上最遥远的距离,不是生与死 |
-- 作者:doubleG -- 发布时间:10/29/2004 9:20:00 AM -- Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooood! |
-- 作者:愚者 -- 发布时间:10/30/2004 8:23:00 PM -- 哇~~~~~~~好亮眼哦~~~~~~~~~ |
-- 作者:catherin_zjx01 -- 发布时间:11/23/2004 1:14:00 PM -- what a wonderful poem!Anyway,the true love never did run smooth. |
-- 作者:TheYeti -- 发布时间:12/16/2004 4:28:00 PM -- I am sorry to have to disillusion you. I am sorry to have to pour cold water on your enthusiasm. But this is not really an "Enghlish Poem", it is a poorly translated version of a Chinese poem. Originally, when it appeared on the Web, the last few lines look like this: The furthest distance in the world Compare that to the Chinese text and you can see there is a line missing. Tagore's poems. This was originally written in Chinese and translated, somewhat poorly, into English. Either the translator failed to figure out how to do that missing line, or that this "poem" was printed and reprinted with that line missing. A couple of web sites claimed that the original version--i.e. the one in Chinese--was written by a Taiwanese school girl. One clue to this being not an English poem to is the incorrect use of the word "furthest" instead of the correct "farthest"
-- 作者:TheYeti -- 发布时间:12/21/2004 5:30:00 AM --
不是译文。 中文是原文, 英文是译文 (英文有显明的错误) -- 此詩並非"泰戈爾"的作品, 也不是英语诗。第一段是张小娴的作品,(Reference 1), 后来被一群台湾学生改编了(集體創作接龍 Reference 2--网上可找到有其它多段落的版本)(Reference 3) 作者:laveri 回复日期:2004-12-17 13:21:19 原诗是张小娴的,就是第一段。后来被上面说的一群台湾学生改编了,加了后两段 『泰戈爾詩集』,以三民書局出版(第八版)中譯本為本的話。 Reference 4:
-- 作者:nineline -- 发布时间:1/14/2005 3:32:00 PM -- Nothing to say for there is nothing can discribe my mood! |
-- 作者:Acy-David -- 发布时间:5/19/2005 8:59:00 PM -- 我晕死,我觉得他译得挺好的~~虽然有点点点点勉强的感觉~~但是请你给点常识~~这是泰戈尔的诗.....<读者>上也刊登过....虽然,我草草翻阅了他的作品集,的确找不到... 还有...那位仁兄没译错,farthest和furthest都是可以...而且后者强调的是深度....初中老师都有教了.......嘻嘻~~不好意思,我只是一个初二的学生......... |
-- 作者:那面海 -- 发布时间:5/22/2005 4:21:00 PM -- How about send it to a girl. |
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