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-- 作者:菜籽 -- 发布时间:7/23/2009 10:03:00 AM -- [news] OASIS News: 22 July 2009 Welcome to OASIS News, a bi-weekly update of announcements, accomplishments, and activities for the international open standards consortium. ------------------------------------------------------------------- * Emergency Interoperability (EI) Member Section announces event ------------------------------------------------------------------- "Facilitating Emergency Response Using Open Standards" will be the theme of the OASIS EI Summit, which will be held as part of the National Information Exchange Model (NIEM) Training Event in Baltimore, MD, USA, 29 Sept-1 Oct. The EI Summit will serve as an important vehicle to help OASIS bring closer coordination among first responders, policy makers, legislators, government agencies, and vendors. The event will provide an opportunity for attendees to express their needs, discover advances that are in development, and learn about interoperable solutions that are being implemented today. http://events.oasis-open.org/home/ei-summit/2009 ------------------------------------------------------------------- The Test Assertions Guidelines describe best practices for writing test assertions along with mandatory and optional components of a test assertion model. This public review ends 7 Sept. http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/tc-announce/200907/msg00005.html ------------------------------------------------------------------- Congratulations to Michael McIntosh of IBM, John Sabo of CA, and Anil Saldhana of Red Hat who were each elected to serve two-year terms on the OASIS IDtrust Member Section Steering Committee. Special thanks to departing Steering Committee member, Abbie Barbir of Nortel, for his years of service and contribution. http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/announce/200907/msg00000.html ------------------------------------------------------------------- "Understanding SCA" by Michael Rowley of Active Endpoints and Jim Marino provides a comprehensible and definitive description of what SCA can achieve in the development of modern business applications. http://www.scabook.com/ ------------------------------------------------------------------- Cinzia Padovan of Oracle will begin translating this newsletter as a voluntary service to the Italian-speaking community. Everyone is invited to subscribe to the Italian translation or view archives online. Volunteers to translate OASIS News into other languages are welcome; contact communications@oasis-open.org. http://www.oasis-open.org/news/oasis_news_archive.php ------------------------------------------------------------------- 27 Jul 30-31 Jul 7 Aug 14 Aug WS-SecurityPolicy Examples public review ends 16 Aug 31 Aug 7 Sept 29-30 Sept ------------------------------------------------------------------- Archives: http://www.oasis-open.org/news/oasis_news_archive.php
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