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       本主题类别: Ontology Engineering | Web Services    
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    [Apologies if you receive this more than once]

                Active Media Technology 2013 (AMT'13)

                      CALL FOR PAPERS

    2013 International Conference on Active Media Technology (AMT'13)

    October 29-31, 2013, Maebashi, Japan

    Homepage: http://wi-consortium.org/conferences/amtbi13/

    Co-organized by Web Intelligence Consortium (WIC)
                    IEEE-CIS Task Force on Brain Informatics (IEEE TF-BI)
    Co-sponsored by Maebashi Institute of Technology
                    Maebashi City and Gunma Prefecture Government
                    Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science

    # Full Paper Submission Due: *** 15 April 2013 ***
    # Accepted full papers will be published by Springer as
    # a volume of the series of LNCS/LNAI.
    # Extensions of selected papers from the proceedings will be
    # considered for publication in special issues of journals

    Special AMT-BHI 2013 Joint Keynote:
    Yuichiro Anzai
    President, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

    Keynote Speakers:
    Yuzuru Tanaka, Hokkaido University, Japan
    Carl K. Chang, Iowa State University, USA
    Andrzej Skowron, Warsaw University, Poland

    Shinsuke Shimojo, California Institute of Technology, USA
    Marcel A. Just, Carnegie Mellon University, USA (pending)
    Jiming Liu, Hong Kong Baptist University, HK SAR

    In the great digital era, we are witnessing many rapid
    scientific and technological developments in human-centred,
    seamless computing environments, interfaces, devices, and
    systems with applications ranging from business and communication
    to entertainment and learning. These developments are collectively
    best characterized as Active Media Technology (AMT), a new area
    of intelligent information technology and computer science that
    emphasizes the proactive, seamless roles of interfaces and systems
    as well as new media in all aspects of digital life. An AMT based
    system offers services to enable the rapid design, implementation
    and support of customized solutions.

    AMT'13 aims at providing a leading international forum to bring
    together researchers and practitioners from diverse fields, to
    increase the cross-fertilization of ideas and explore the fundamental
    roles, interactions as well as practical impacts of intelligent
    information technology and computer science on the next generation of
    computing environments, systems and media. AMT will feature
    high-quality, original research papers in all theoretical, technical,
    practical, and interdisciplinary studies that make up the field of
    active media technology.

    The 1st International Conference on Active Media Technology (AM'01)
    was held in Hong Kong in 2001, the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th International
    Conferences on Active Media Technology (AMT04, AMT05, AMT06) were
    held respectively, in Chongqing China, Kagawa Japan, and Brisbane
    Australia, and the 5th, 6th, and 7th International Conferences on
    Active Media Technology (AMT'09, AMT'10, AMT'11) were jointly held with
    International Conferences on Brain Informatics (BI09, BI10, BI11),
    respectively, in Beijing China, Toronto Canada, and Lanzhou China.
    Active Media Technology 2012 (AMT12) was held under the 2012 World
    Intelligence Congress, jointly with  other four international
    conferences (BI12, WI-IAT12 and ISMIS12) in 2012.
    Following the success of AMT01, AMT04, AMT05, AMT06, AMT09, AMT10,
    AMT11 and AMT12, Active Media Technology 2013 (AMT'13) will be held
    in Maebashi, Japan, October 29-31, 2013.

    Active Media Technology 2013 will be jointly held with the 2013
    International Conference on Brain and Health Informatics (BHI'13).  
    The two conferences will have a joint opening, keynote, reception, and
    banquet. Attendees only need to register for one conference and can
    attend sessions, exhibits and demonstrations across the
    two conferences.

    Topics of Interest


    * Active Computer Systems and Intelligent Interfaces
    * Adaptive Web Systems
    * Agent-Based Software Engineering
    * AMT for Semantic Web and Web2.0
    * Cognitive Foundations for AMT
    * Computational Intelligence for Active Media
    * Conversational Informatics
    * Data Mining
    * Digital City and Digital Interactivity
    * E-Commerce and Web Services
    * Edutainment and E-learning
    * Entertainment and Social Applications of Active Media
    * Evaluation of Active Media and AMT Based Systems
    * Human-Centred Robotics
    * Human-Web Interaction
    * Human Factors in AMT
    * Human Modeling and Personalized Services
    * Information Design with Active Media
    * Information Retrieval
    * Information Foraging Agents
    * Interactive Gaming Media
    * Media Art with Computing
    * Machine Learning
    * Multi-Agent Systems
    * Multi-Modal Processing, Detection, Recognition, and
      Expression Analysis
    * Network, Mobile and Wireless Security
    * Ontology Mining and Web Reasoning
    * Personalized, Pervasive, and Ubiquitous Systems and their
    * Semantic Computing for Active Media and AMT Based Systems
    * Semantic Web, Linked data, and Ontology
    * Sensing Web
    * Smart Digital Media
    * Social Networks and Social Media
    * Statistical Analysis and Pattern Recognition
    * Transparent Computing and Active Services
    * Trust on Web Information Systems
    * Ubiquitous Intelligent Devices and Systems
    * Wearable Computing
    * Web Mining, Wisdom Web and Web Intelligence

    On-Line Submissions and Publication

    There are 2 types of Paper Submissions and Publication,
    which you can choose one of them:

    Type I of Submissions and Publication: Full Paper Submissions:

    High-quality papers in all AMT related areas are solicited. Papers
    exploring new directions will receive a careful and supportive
    review. All submitted papers will be reviewed on the basis of
    technical quality, relevance, significance, and clarity.

    The proceeding of the conference will be published by Springer as a
    volume of the series of Lecture Notes in Computer Science/Lecture
    Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNCS/LNAI).  Extensions of selected
    papers from the proceedings will be considered for publication in
    special issues of international journals.

    Authors are strongly encouraged to use Springer LNCS/LNAI manuscript
    submission guidelines (available at
    http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html) for their initial
    submissions (a maximum of 12 pages in Springer LNCS/LNAI style file).
    All papers must be submitted electronically in PDF format only, using
    the conference management tool.

    Type II of Submissions and Publication: Abstract Submissions:

    Accepted abstract submissions will be included in the conference
    program.  Selected abstract submissions will be considered for
    publication in special issues of international journals after their
    abstracts are extended to a full-length paper and pass a peer review

    We will also have poster, demonstration, and late breaking result
    paper sessions.

    Detailed instructions and a paper submission form can be found
    from the AMT'13 Web page at http://wi-consortium.org/conferences/amtbi13/


    AMT 2013 best paper awards and student paper awards will be conferred
    on the authors at the conference.

    Important Dates

    Electronic submission of full papers
    (12 pages in Springer LNAI/LNCS style file):  
    *** 15 April 2013 ***

    Notification of full paper acceptance: June 30, 2013
    Camera-ready of accepted papers: July 21, 2013

    Electronic submission of abstracts
    *** 15 July 2013 ***

    Notification of abstract acceptance: July 30, 2013

    Conference:  October 29-31, 2013

    Conference Organization

    AMT-BHI'13 Honorary General Chair:
    Setsuo Ohsuga, University of Tokyo, Japan

    AMT'13 Conference General Chairs:
    Andrzej Skowron, Warsaw University, Poland
    Jian-Nong Cao, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, SAR China

    AMT'13 Program Chairs:
    Tetsuya Yoshida, Hokkaido University, Japan
    Gang Kou, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China

    AMT'13 Workshop/Special Session Chair:
    Hakim Hacid, Alcatel-Lucent Bell lab, France

    AMT-BHI'13 Organizing Chairs:
    Kazuyuki Imamura, Maebashi Institute of Technology, Japan
    Tetsumi Harakawa, Maebashi Institute of Technology, Japan
    Ning Zhong, Maebashi Institute of Technology, Japan

    AMT-BHI'13 Panel Chair:
    Stephen S. Yau, Arizona State University, USA

    AMT-BHI'13 Journal Special Issue Chairs:
    Xin Yao, University of Birmingham, UK
    Runhe Huang, Hosei University, Japan

    AMT-BHI'13 Publicity Chairs:
    Shinichi Motomura, Maebashi Institute of Technology, Japan
    Dominik Slezak, Infobright Inc., Canada & Univ. of Warsaw, Poland
    Jian Yang, Beijing University of Technology, China

    BHI'13 Conference General Chairs:
    Tomoaki Shirao, Gunma University Graduate School of Medicine, Japan
    Takuji Kasamatsu, The Smith Kettlewell Eye Research Institute, USA

    BHI'13 Program Chairs:
    Kazuyuki Imamura, Maebashi Institute of Technology, Japan
    Shiro Usui, Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan

    BHI'13 Workshop/Special Session Chair:
    Lars Schwabe, University of Rostock, Germany

    Ning Zhong, Maebashi Institute of Technology, Japan

    WIC Co-Chairs/Directors
    Ning Zhong, Maebashi Institute of Technology, Japan
    Jiming Liu, Hong Kong Baptist University, HK

    WIC Advisory Board
    Edward A. Feigenbaum, Stanford University, USA
    Setsuo Ohsuga, University of Tokyo, Japan
    Benjamin Wah, Chinese University of Hong Kong, HK
    Philip Yu, University of Illinois, Chicago, USA
    L.A. Zadeh, University of California, Berkeley, USA

    WIC Technical Committee
    Jeffrey Bradshaw, UWF/Institute for Human and Machine Cognition, USA
    Nick Cercone, York University, Canada
    Dieter Fensel, University of Innsbruck, Austria
    Georg Gottlob, Oxford University, UK
    Lakhmi Jain, University of South Australia, Australia
    Jianhua Ma, Hosei University, Japan
    Jianchang Mao, Yahoo! Inc., USA
    Pierre Morizet, Mahoudeaux Compiegne University of Technology, France
    Hiroshi Motoda, Osaka University, Japan
    Toyoaki Nishida, Kyoto University, Japan
    Andrzej Skowron, Warsaw University, Poland
    Jinglong Wu, Okayama University, Japan
    Xindong Wu, University of Vermont, USA
    Yiyu Yao, University of Regina, Canada

    *** Contact Information ***
    Tetsuya Yoshida (Hokkaido University, Japan)

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