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    >> Biomatics, Gene Ontology(基因本体)
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    发贴心情 [合集]Signature of Selection Mediated 

    [合集]Signature of Selection Mediated

    发信人: kingsyl (Molecular Machine To Be Studied), 信区: Bioinformatics
    标  题: [合集]Signature of Selection Mediated
    发信站: 北大未名站 (2004年03月21日20:36:40 星期天), 站内信件

    作者  Feynman (早知道等下辈子再做帅哥了), 信区: Bioinformatics               
    标题  Signature of Selection Mediated by Express                             
    时间  北大未名站 (2003年10月03日18:31:24 星期五), 转信                       
    The Signature of Selection Mediated by Expression on Human Genes

    Araxi O. Urrutia and Laurence D. Hurst1
    Department of Biology and Biochemistry, University of Bath, Bath BA2 7AY, UK

    As the efficacy of natural selection is expected to be a function of populat
    ion size, in humans it is usually presumed that selection is a weak force an
    d hence that gene characteristics are mostly determined by stochastic forces
    . In contrast, in species with large population sizes, selection is expected
    to be a much more effective force. Evidence for this has come from examinin
    g how genic parameters vary with expression level, which appears to determin
    e many of a gene's features, such as codon bias, amino acid composition, and
    size. However, not until now has it been possible to examine whether human
    genes show the signature of selection mediated by expression level. Here, th
    en, to investigate this issue, we gathered expression data for >10,000 human
    genes from public data sets obtained by different technologies (SAGE and hi
    gh-density oligonucleotide chip arrays) and compared them with gene paramete
    rs. We find that, even after controlling for regional effects, highly expres
    sed genes code for smaller proteins, have less intronic DNA, and higher codo
    n and amino acid biases. We conclude that, contrary to the usual supposition
    , human genes show signatures consistent with selection mediated by expressi
    on level.



    作者  badgee (天篷), 信区: Bioinformatics                                    
    标题  Re: Signature of Selection Mediated by Express                         
    时间  北大未名站 (2003年10月03日21:18:49 星期五) , 站内信件                  
    "intronic DNA "   What does intronic mean?  3q!!  

    【 在 Feynman (早知道等下辈子再做帅哥了) 的大作中提到: 】
    We find that, even after controlling for regional effects, highly expres
    sed genes code for smaller proteins, have less intronic DNA, and higher codo
    n and amino acid biases.

    作者  lylover (石之轩), 信区: Bioinformatics                                 
    标题  Re: Signature of Selection Mediated by Express                         
    时间  北大未名站 (2003年10月03日21:55:22 星期五), 转信                       
    【 在 badgee (天篷) 的大作中提到: 】
    "intronic DNA "   What does intronic mean?  3q!!  

    【 在 Feynman (早知道等下辈子再做帅哥了) 的大作中提到: 】
    We find that, even after controlling for regional effects, highly expres
    sed genes code for smaller proteins, have less intronic DNA, and higher codo
    n and amino acid biases.

    作者  badgee (天篷), 信区: Bioinformatics                                    
    标题  Re: Signature of Selection Mediated by Express                         
    时间  北大未名站 (2003年10月03日22:17:22 星期五) , 站内信件                  
    推荐一本吧!分子生物学哪本比较好呢?bioinformatic 看英文的还是中文的好?

    【 在 lylover (石之轩) 的大作中提到: 】
    : 找本bioinfo的书看看。到202.38.91.134上下吧。然后再看看生物的书。
    : We find that, even after controlling for regional effects, highly expres
    : sed genes code for smaller proteins, have less intronic DNA, and higher codo
    : n and amino acid biases.

    作者  Feynman (早知道等下辈子再做帅哥了), 信区: Bioinformatics               
    标题  Re: Signature of Selection Mediated by Express                         
    时间  北大未名站 (2003年10月03日22:30:06 星期五), 转信                       


    【 在 badgee (天篷) 的大作中提到: 】
    : 推荐一本吧!分子生物学哪本比较好呢?bioinformatic 看英文的还是中文的好?

    作者  lylover (石之轩), 信区: Bioinformatics                                 
    标题  Re: Signature of Selection Mediated by Express                         
    时间  北大未名站 (2003年10月03日23:07:59 星期五), 转信                       
    【 在 badgee (天篷) 的大作中提到: 】

    推荐一本吧!分子生物学哪本比较好呢?bioinformatic 看英文的还是中文的好?

    【 在 lylover (石之轩) 的大作中提到: 】
    : 找本bioinfo的书看看。到202.38.91.134上下吧。然后再看看生物的书。
    : We find that, even after controlling for regional effects, highly expres
    : sed genes code for smaller proteins, have less intronic DNA, and higher codo
    : n and amino acid biases.

    作者  llhx (快乐懒汉), 信区: Bioinformatics                                  
    标题  Re: Signature of Selection Mediated by Express                         
    时间  北大未名站 (2003年10月03日23:30:55 星期五), 转信                       
    【 在 lylover (石之轩) 的大作中提到: 】
    : 自己找。
    : 推荐一本吧!分子生物学哪本比较好呢?bioinformatic 看英文的还是中文的好?

    作者  lylover (石之轩), 信区: Bioinformatics                                 
    标题  Re: Signature of Selection Mediated by Express                         
    时间  北大未名站 (2003年10月03日23:37:59 星期五), 转信                       
    【 在 llhx (快乐懒汉) 的大作中提到: 】

    【 在 lylover (石之轩) 的大作中提到: 】
    : 自己找。
    : 推荐一本吧!分子生物学哪本比较好呢?bioinformatic 看英文的还是中文的好?

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