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    发贴心情 英语学习方法 之 不要背单词

    英语学习方法 之 不要背单词

    Would you like to speak English easily? Do you want to speak quickly and naturally?

    I'm NOT going to teach you more grammar rules. I'm NOT going to teach you the same failed methods you learned in school. I'm NOT going to use the same failed textbooks.

    What I will teach you is a new method for learning. I will teach you how to study-- to speak English faster and more easily. I will teach you the secrets that schools don't want you to know. For example, did you know that the failure rate for English schools is 95%.

    Only 5% of students who join an English school actually learn to speak easily and naturally. Only 5%. That is a 95% failure rate.
    Schools don't want you to know this. They make money from your failure.

    They make money when you come back again and again. They want you to continue coming, and continue paying, for many YEARS. Your English success is NOT their goal-- their goal is for you to pay them every month, for as long as possible.

    Are you tired of this? Are you tired of failing after years of school and textbook study? Are you tired of paying again and again for failure?

    **An Amazing Feeling

    Its an amazing feeling. You walk into a room of native speakers and feel no fear. You are not nervous. You feel strong, happy, and confident. You instantly begin talking to a woman or a man. They respect you. They smile. They listen to you. They listen to what you say.

    Speaking good, quick English is an amazing feeling. And its not impossible. You can do it.

    You don't need to go to school for years. You don't need to pay expensive schools every month-- for years. You can learn to speak English easily. You can improve fast. But you must ignore the advice of schools and textbooks.

    How can you speak English easily and naturally?

    I'm going to show you during the next 7 days.

    ***Your First Tip

    Imagine speaking English automatically... without thinking.

    To do this, you must change the way you study English. Your first action is to stop studying English words.

    Stop studying English words.

    That's right, do not memorize words. Native speakers do not learn English by remembering single words. Native speakers learn phrases.

    Phrases are GROUPS of words that naturally go together. We learn English in groups of 2-6 words. If you want to speak like a native speaker, you must do this too.

    **Learn 4x Faster

    Research by Dr. James Asher proves that learning with phrases 4-5 times faster than studying individual words. 4-5 Times Faster.

    Also, students who learn phrases have much better grammar. They know which words naturally go together. They don't have to think about grammar rules. They speak more quickly.

    Why don't English schools tell you about this research? Because, in fact, they don't want you to learn 4-5 times faster. They don't
    want you to succeed quickly and leave the school.

    Also, many of the teachers at English schools are not qualified. They don't have Masters degrees in teaching English. They don't know how to help students. They only read the textbooks and follow them.

    Some teachers in public schools cannot even speak English well! How can they teach you to succeed if they can't speak English themselves?

    And so, they teach you to study individual words. They teach you to study long translated word lists.

    ***Always Study and Review Phrases, Not Individual Words

    Never study a single, individual word. Never.

    When you find a new word, always write down the phrase it is in. Always. When you review, always review all of the phrase,.. not the word.

    In fact, you don't need to know the meaning of every word in a phrase. You only need to know the meaning of the whole phrase.

    Collect phrases. Remember phrases. Review phrases. Your speaking and grammar will improve 4-5 times faster. Never again study a single word.

    Learn Phrases Only.

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