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    发贴心情 [分享]ICIE2011已被IEEE CIS列为重点推荐国际学术会议

    ICIE2011已被IEEE Computational Intelligence Society(IEEE CIS)列为重点推荐国际学术会议,相关信息已在IEEE CIS Electronic Letter Issue 75, January 2011中发布。

    IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Electronic Letter Issue 75, January 2011

    Manager: Haibo He
    Department of Electrical, Computer, and Biomedical Engineering
    University of Rhode Island
    Kingston, RI 02881
    Email: he@ele.uri.edu
    Tel: (401) 874 - 5844; Fax: (401) 782 - 6422
    Web:  http://www.ele.uri.edu/faculty/he/

    Submit your contributions at  http://www.ci-eletter.org

    Submission deadline for the next issue: January 31, 2011

    To become a member of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society,

    please visit  www.ieee-cis.org/join/

    1 Conferences
    1.1 Call for Participation - Sun Yat-sen University Computational Intelligence Winter School 2011
    1.2 CFP: Special session on Evolving and Adaptive Fuzzy Systems, SS25, FUZZ-IEEE 2011, Taiwan
    1.3 CFP: Paper Deadline Nearing for Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2011
    1.4 CFP: Deadline for Workshops and Tutorials Submissions for CEC 2011 Nears
    1.5 CFP: IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games, First Call for Papers, Tutorials and Special Sessions
    1.6 CFP: The 2nd International Conference on Swarm Intelligence (ICSI'2011)

    1.7 CFP: WASE International Conference on Information Engineering, Aug. 13-14, 2011, Xi'an, China

    ICIE2011 http://www.enjoywise.org/icie2011

    1.8 CFP: IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR'2011)
    1.9 CFP: Solomonoff 85th Memorial Conference, Nov/Dec 2011, 1st Call for Papers

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