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    Be Open to New Ideas


    Never stop learning and adapting. The world will always be changing. If you limit yourself to what you knew and what you were comfortable with earlier in your life, you will grow increasingly frustrated with your surroundings as you age.


    You would see him around town from time to time. People knew him only as Herb. He was always walking by the side of the road. People asked him why he was always walking, and Herb told them he didn’t believe in moving machines. Didn’t own a car, wouldn’t own a car, wouldn’t take a cab or a bus.


    Why? He said he got along just fine without them when he was younger, so why should he bother with them now? this belief provided him momentary comfort. He did not have to adapt, to face a change that he feared. However, he also shut himself off from everything that was not within a few miles of his house.


    The world might as well not have existed for him, as he could not directly experience anything outside of his hometown. Principles are valuable and should be cherished, but there is a difference between principle and stubborn practice. As time went on and the lives of his children led them to scatter across the country, Herb consigned himself to never being able to visit them because he refused to adapt to the world as it exists.


    In research on older Americans, what predicted satisfaction more than finances or the state of their current relationships was their willingness to adapt. If they were willing to change some of their habits and expectations, their happiness was maintained even when their circumstances changed. Those who were resistant to change, on the other hand, were less than one-third as likely to feel happy.

    Clark, Carlson, Zemke, Gelya, Patterson, and Ennevor 1996

    在对美国老年人所做的调查中显示:比起目前的经济状况和人际关系,愿意接受新事物 能使他们感到满足。假如他们愿意改变固有的习俗和期望,他们的幸福感不会因情况的变化而改变。另一方面,那些反对改变的人大概只有不足三分之一的人感到幸福。

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